Bring the hype to art

The attitude of my work is very clear; Lean and honest without masks

Lal Batman

The attitude of my work is very clear; Lean and honest without masks

Discovering his interest in art at an early age and 2018LBatman, one of the artists under the wings of UNESCO under the wings of Plastic Arts at Yeditepe UniversityLHe won his üm with a degree. Nowadays, we have a “masked, simple and honest interview with Batman, who continued his production in his workshop in Beyoğlu.

What excites you in life? Can you share the moment you taste the excitement for the first time or you have a sense of astonishment for the first time?

I am very excited to chase new stories in my life, to go on those stories, to examine and to assimilate me. It must be my first stage experience. I remember very clearly the excitement I experienced at that moment for the musical where I took part in primary school.

The attitude of my work is very clear; Lean and honest without masks

What's fascinating you in the world you created?

Rather than the world I have constructed in my work, I can directly reflect the moments I am in real life. For this reason, I can say that the sincerity I have established in my work impresses me a lot.

The attitude of my work is very clear; Lean and honest without masks The attitude of my work is very clear; Lean and honest without masks

What would they say if your works revive and talk in a fantastic reality?

They would say, "How much we look like you".

What is your favorite invention?

I love to examine people and analyze them myself. In time, I saw how much I developed myself. But of course you can't get certain and solid results. So, if I think, I would like to develop an invention that I can read the minds of people.

What would be your superpower if you were a "Villian"?

It would definitely be teleport. Imagine you can be anywhere anytime.

The attitude of my work is very clear; Lean and honest without masks

Can you describe the smell and taste of happiness?

The smell of soil after rain. The taste; Vanilla ice cream.

What is the difference between me and us?

To feel, to understand, to be a whole.

What is the difference between you and your works?

There are situations, times and requirements that I have to mask myself in daily life. As much as we all, I have to provide adaptation to the social life we ​​describe as our truth. The attitude of my work is very clear; On the contrary, they are without masks, lean and honest.

The attitude of my work is very clear; Lean and honest without masks The attitude of my work is very clear; Lean and honest without masks

What is the difference between the wrong action and the right action?

I believe that the actions he takes with his own decisions, except for the varying and transforming acceptance and transformed actions with his own decisions, consist of elections.

If Lal had a dictionary; What would be the first 5 words?


What does time evoke you?


The attitude of my work is very clear; Lean and honest without masks

Where and howL has a attitude?

The inspiration perim is an entity living in a dimension without time. Honest, powerLü, ruthless and in love with him.

The attitude of my work is very clear; Lean and honest without masks The attitude of my work is very clear; Lean and honest without masks

Photography: Ali Yavuz Ata
Interview: Sevtap Tuzcu
Video Content / Page Design Application: Yasemin Sarıhan
Page Design: Studio Pulle
Video: Özgün Özlü


See the works of the artist
