Bring the hype to art

STRENGTHLÜ guidance with confidence and intuitionLI'm saying.

Lea Colombo

STRENGTHLÜ guidance with confidence and intuitionLI'm saying.

What fascinates you in the world you create with your business?

It workedLThe beam is the constantly growing expansion that we can benefit from.

STRENGTHLÜ guidance with confidence and intuitionLI'm saying.

How to the improvement power of artL do you define?

Since every person is at different frequency, I feel that it is different for everyone. Therefore, it is interesting to observe who is turning towards what and what it can show.

How is your creation processL should we imagine

StrengthLü I'm guided with confidence and intuition.

STRENGTHLÜ guidance with confidence and intuitionLI'm saying.

shopi go ARTWhat would they say about you if your works exhibited in the exhibited works were alive?

They would be full of energy and life.

I think it is important to eliminate the concept of "what others think about him" to create something. What is your approach?

In this process, trust yourself and enjoy watching the process.

STRENGTHLÜ guidance with confidence and intuitionLI'm saying.

What are you doing to strengthen your inner voice?

I am listening.

Your life is the head of your lifeLWhat would happen?

"A beautiful color journey."

What are your sine qua non of your life journey?

A peaceful mind and a quiet inner ocean.

STRENGTHLÜ guidance with confidence and intuitionLI'm saying.

Photography: Abdullah Yazıc
Interview: Sevtap Tuzcu
Page Design Application: Batu Tate Kantarcı
Page Design: Studio Pulle

See the works of the artist
