Lilla Eflatun (1991, Ankara), graduated from Yıldız Technical University Combined Arts Program, established her own workshop in order to work simultaneously and versatilely on the subjects she is interested in.

She has produced works in different branches on the mechanical nature of human consciousness, the search for meaning, music and the effect of the law of conservation of energy on the bond between things, and has taken part in collective art projects.

By not raising her hand in her single-line works that resemble calligraphy, she emphasizes that nothing can exist independently of each other and us. The artist, who took part in many group exhibitions, continues his productions in his workshop in Istanbul.

2020 ''ArtWeeks Akaretler'', group exhibition, Istanbul, Turkey
2019 ''Poltergeist'', group exhibition, Space Debris Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey
2018 ''All for HEİDİ Solidarity Exhibition'', group exhibition, MECRA, Istanbul 2018 ''LadyFEST'' Cherrybean Coffee, Istanbul, Turkey
2018 ''Underground'', group exhibition, Pixie, Istanbul, Turkey
2015 ''UNDERNEAR'', group exhibition,' KargART, Istanbul
2014 ''Eflatun - Purple Room'' (Collaboration with photographer Helio Leon), Thebeggarman, Ireland 2014 ''HOWL(In memory of Allen Ginsberg's death)'' Gallery 44A, Istanbul, Turkey
2014 ''-ile '', group exhibition, Radiofil, Istanbul, Turkey
2014 ''I've worn out death and I'm coming'', group exhibition, KargART, Istanbul, Turkey
2012 ''The Goat Passed'', group exhibition, Ankara Meydan Theatre, Ankara, Turkey
2011 ''Contemporary Arts Festival'', group exhibition, Ankara, Turkey
2011 ''Kızılcahamam Traditional Water and Culture Festival Painting Exhibition'', group exhibition, Ankara, Türkiye

Lilla Eflatun (1991, Ankara), graduated from Yıldız Technical University Combined Arts Program, established her own workshop in order to work simultaneously and versatilely on the subjects she is interested in.

She has produced works in different branches on the mechanical nature of human consciousness, the search for meaning, music and the effect of the law of conservation of energy on the bond between things, and has taken part in collective art projects.

By not raising her hand in her single-line works that resemble calligraphy, she emphasizes that nothing can exist independently of each other and us. The artist, who took part in many group exhibitions, continues his productions in his workshop in Istanbul.

2020 ''ArtWeeks Akaretler'', group exhibition, Istanbul, Turkey
2019 ''Poltergeist'', group exhibition, Space Debris Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey
2018 ''All for HEİDİ Solidarity Exhibition'', group exhibition, MECRA, Istanbul 2018 ''LadyFEST'' Cherrybean Coffee, Istanbul, Turkey
2018 ''Underground'', group exhibition, Pixie, Istanbul, Turkey
2015 ''UNDERNEAR'', group exhibition,' KargART, Istanbul
2014 ''Eflatun - Purple Room'' (Collaboration with photographer Helio Leon), Thebeggarman, Ireland 2014 ''HOWL(In memory of Allen Ginsberg's death)'' Gallery 44A, Istanbul, Turkey
2014 ''-ile '', group exhibition, Radiofil, Istanbul, Turkey
2014 ''I've worn out death and I'm coming'', group exhibition, KargART, Istanbul, Turkey
2012 ''The Goat Passed'', group exhibition, Ankara Meydan Theatre, Ankara, Turkey
2011 ''Contemporary Arts Festival'', group exhibition, Ankara, Turkey
2011 ''Kızılcahamam Traditional Water and Culture Festival Painting Exhibition'', group exhibition, Ankara, Türkiye